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Weather in Ukraine

The climate of the Ukraine can be described as dry and continental influenced climate with warm, dry summers and fairly severe winters. January is the coldest month with daytime temperatures usually around 0°C, but in some cases winter months can be quite colder with temperatures far below zero, about -20°C or lower and strong, cold northeasterly winds, called Bora. Heavy snowfall or even snowstorms are also possible on some days. There are more than 290 sunny days in the year. Since Odessa region is drawn out along the meridian, the climate in the narrow 30-40 km. stretch along the coast is practically ideal, with the soft tang of the sea mixing with the dry climate of the steppe further inland.
sunny fields

In summer daytime temperatures reach 25-30°C, but sometimes quite higher, 35°C or more, especially in the inland areas. The summer months enjoy dry weather with sunny spells most of the time, rain often falls with sometimes heavy Thunderstorms, but mostly along the coastal areas of the Black Sea. These Thunderstorms often occur at the end of the day. July is the warmest month with an average Temperature of 24°C. Annual Precipitation is about 400-600 mm, but lower in the inland areas of the Ukraine.

Generally, the weather is best May-September, when days are warm and the nights are cool, although it rains more in Spring than in summer. Autumn and Winter are usually a little chilly and wet along the coastal areas of the Black Sea, and dryer further inland.
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